Fill your party with a world of smiles with these fun new tambola tickets. Specially designed for smiley theme, these tickets are printed in a bright and colorful way to make playing tambola more fun than ever.
How To Play:
Each ticket has six sets of numbers with a caption given for each set. Each set can be compared to a line of a usual tambola ticket. The caller calls out numbers one-by-one and the participants have to cross the number being called out, if it is there on their ticket. The first one to finish any set has to call out to claim the prize. There is also a prize for finishing all the sets first. The different callouts are:
First Set: I Am Stressed!
Second Set: I Just Winked!
Third Set: I Am Weeping!
Fourth Set: I Am Sleepy!
Fifth Set: I Am Feeling Romantic!
Sixth Set: I Am Happy!
Full House: Smile Please!
very nice