1. Tie And Untie
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required
- Satin ribbon (half a meter ribbon per person)
How to play- Play this fun ‘Tie and untie’ kitty party game at your kitty party to make it more fun and interesting. In this game the host would distribute half a meter satin ribbons to each of the participants. Then, the host would ask the participants to tie as many knots in the satin ribbon as they can. The participants, thinking that the one who ties the maximum number of knots would be the winner would try to tie many knots in his/her ribbon.
However, the fun catch of the game is that once the given one minute is over and the participants have tied the knots, the host would announce the twist of the game. The twist in this game would be that now the participants have to untie the knots they have tied in one minute’s time. The participant who is the first to untie the knots of his/her satin ribbon in the given time duration would be the winner.
2. Alphabetical Game
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Blank A-4 sized sheets
- Pens for each participant
How to play-
Make your kitty party more interesting with this fun one minute kitty party game called the ‘Alphabetical game’. This game involves two steps. In order to play this game the first step is that the host would distribute the A-4 sized sheets among the participants and ask them to write all the English alphabets in a sequence starting from A to Z.
After the first step of the game is completed, the participants would be given one minute’s time and they would have to write names starting with the English alphabets A to Z (one name for each alphabet).
For example A–Ankita.
The one who writes the maximum number of names in the given time period would win the game.
3. Kiss Me
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- 20 Paper chits
How to play-
‘Kiss me’ is quite a unique and interesting couple kitty party game. For this game, the host would prepare twenty paper chits beforehand. In fifteen paper chits, the host would write the names of human body parts like, cheeks, palm, nose and the like. In the remaining five paper chits hearts would be drawn.
Then in order to play this game, the host would fold all the paper chits and place them in a bowl. The couples would come one by one to play this game. On their turn, the husband would be asked to pick up the chits and open them one by one. Every single time the husband opens the chit, whichever body part is written, he would kiss that body part of his wife. In case he picks up the chit with a heart drawn in it then he would move on with the next chit as the chits with hearts are just to waste the time of the participants while they play this time-bound game. The time duration allotted for each participant would be one minute. The couple where the husband manages to give maximum kisses to his wife in one minute’s time would win the game.
4. Write Your Name With Match Sticks
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Match boxes (one for each participant)
How to play
Play this entertaining ‘write your name with match sticks’ kitty party game at your kitty party to make it more interesting. In this one minute kitty party game, the host would give one match box to each participant in order to play the game. Then, the participants would be asked to write their names using the match sticks. They have to make the alphabets of their name with the help of the match sticks by arranging them in the shape of the alphabets that form their names in one minute’s time. The one who is the first to write his/her name properly with correct spelling using the match sticks in the given time duration would win the game.
5. Find The Coin In The Bowl Of Ice-Cubes
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Ice cubes
- Coins
How to play-
In order to play this unique one minute kitty party game, the host has to do some prior preparations. For this game, the host would freeze some coins like one rupee coins, two rupee coins, five rupee coins and the like individually in the form of ice cubes and collect them all in a bowl and take them to the party place.
Now, in order to play the game, the host would ask the participants to come one by one. On their turn, the participants would break the ice cubes and collect the coins hidden inside them in one minute’s time. For the results the amount of money collected by each participant in the form of coins will be considered. The one who has the maximum amount would be the winner. To add more fun to the game, the host may keep a few ice cubes without coins just to waste a little time of the participants.
Note: The host should have the ice cubes considering the number of members in the kitty party in a way that the ice cubes are enough for all the members.
6. Transfer The Dal Into The Bowl
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Two empty bowls
- One spoon
- One bowl full of Lentil (Dal)
How to play
‘Transfer the dal into the bowl’ is a very interesting one minute kitty party game that you could keep in your kitty party.
In this one minute kitty party game, the host would keep a bowl full of lentil (dal) on a table. Next to it an empty bowl will be kept along with a spoon. Now the participants would come one by one to play the game. Each participant would be provided one minute’s time to play the game. In that one minute the participants have to transfer the dal from its bowl into the empty bowl using the spoon. But the twist in this game is that the participants cannot use their hands to transfer the dal. Instead of their hands they would use their mouth by keeping the spoon in their mouths and then filling the spoon with dal from the bowl filled with dal and transfer it into the empty bowl. The one who is able to transfer the maximum number of spoonful of dal into the empty bowl in one minute’s time would be the winner of the game.
7. Write As Many Brand Names As You Can
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- A-4 sized blank sheets
- Pens for each participant
How to play
Are you a brand freak? If yes, then this exciting one minute kitty party game is perfect for you. Make this special ‘write as many brand names as you can’ game a part of your kitty party and make it more fun and enjoyable.
In this one minute kitty party game, all the participants would be provided with an A-4 sized blank sheet, a pen and one minute to play the game. Then the host would ask them to write as many brand names as they can remember in one minute’s time. The participants could be asked to write only clothing brands or make-up brands or both as per the choice of the host. The one who writes the maximum number of correct brand names in one minute’s time would be the winner of the game.
8. Chocolate/Biscuit Sliding Game
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Chocolates or biscuits (as per the choice of the host)
How to play
Have fun playing with edible items this time in your kitty party. Play this special and entertaining chocolate/biscuit sliding game in your kitty party and make it more fun for your kitty mates.
In this kitty party game, each participant would be provided with a piece of a chocolate or a biscuit depending upon the choice of the host. Then all the participants would be made to stand together in a queue or a circle. Then all the participants would be asked to keep that piece of chocolate or the biscuit on their forehead and balance it in such a way that it does not fall. Now the participants have to slide that piece of chocolate or biscuit from their forehead to their mouth without using their hands. They have to balance it while making it slide only by moving their heads. The one who is first to get the chocolate or the biscuit to his/her mouth without letting it fall would be the winner of the game.
9. Take The Coins And Calculate
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Coins (as many as you can get)
How to play
Let us test how good are your friends in Mathematics by making them play this fun ‘take the coins and calculate’ game.
In this one minute kitty party game, the host would keep several coins like 25 paisa coins, 50 paisa coins, 1 rupee coins, two rupee coins and the like in a bowl. The participants would then come one by one to play the game. On their turn the participants would take out a handful of coins from the bowl in one single go and count the total amount they were able to take out from the bowl all in one minute’s time. The one who is able to get the maximum total in the given time duration would be the winner.
10. Guess The Advertisement Game
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Play sheets with a list of tag lines of advertisements for each participant
- Pens for each participant
How to play
In order to play this fun one minute kitty party game called ‘guess the advertisement’ game in your kitty party the host has to make some prior preparations. The host would prepare a list of tag lines and jingles of various advertisements that we see on the television of various products and get the list photo stated for all the participants. Then each participant would be provided with that play sheet, a pen and one minute to play the game. The participants have to guess the advertisement and write the names of the product associated with the respective taglines of the advertisements. The one who is able to write the maximum number of correct answers in the given time period would be the winner.
11. Pass The Hats And Goggles
No. of participants- As many couples as you want
Things required-
- A hat
- A goggle
- Music system for playing music
How to play – ‘Pass the hats and goggles’ is a fun couple kitty party game. In order to play this game, the host would ask all the husbands to stand in one queue (line) while their wives would stand in a separate queue in any order. Now, the hat would be given to the male members while the goggles would be given to the female members. The host would then play the music to start the game. Just as we do in pass in the parcel game, similarly in this game on the sound of music the husbands would pass on the hat in their queue by making the male standing at their back wear it while the females would pass the goggles in their queue by making the female participant standing right behind them wear the goggles. This way the hat would keep rotating in the queue of the male members and the goggles would be rotated in the queue of the female members. In between at some point of time the music would stop. When the music stops, the male member wearing the hat and the female member wearing the goggles would be excluded from the game. Then again the music would start and the process would be repeated. One by one the males and females would be out of the game. The male and female who is lucky enough to remain till the end of the game would win the game.
12. Money And Pin Game
No. of participants- As many couples as you want
Things required-
- Fake currency notes
- Safety pins
- Transparent plastic bags
How to play-Play this interesting ‘money and pin’ kitty party game at your couple kitty and have a lot more fun. In order to play this kitty party game, the host would prepare the activity packets required to play the game beforehand. In each packet, the host would keep a few fake currency notes and the same number of safety pins as the fake currency notes and distribute the packets among the couples such that each couple has one packet. Now, the host may ask either the wives to pin the fake notes over their husband’s attire or vice versa. The couple who is the first to pin all the currency notes properly on their spouse’s attire would win the game.
Note: The number of fake currency notes kept in each packet should be equal for all the packets. An equal number of safety pins should also be kept in each packet.
13. Throw The Dice
No. of participants- As many couples as you want
Things required-
- Playing dice
How to play- ‘Throw the dice’ is a very entertaining kitty party game for your couple kitty party. In order to play this game, the host would ask all the husbands to sit around a table forming a circle. Then the wives would be made to stand at the back of their husbands. Now, in order to begin the game, each husband would roll the playing dice on their turn. Whatever number turns out on the dice of the husband, his wife would move that many steps and would stand behind the person that is sitting on the number that turned up on the dice.
For example- On the turn of a couple, number six comes on the playing dice. Then, the wife of that person would move six steps and would go and stand behind the person sitting on the sixth number.
In the similar fashion, all the husbands would take turns and roll the dice while the wives would keep moving those many steps that would come on the chance of their husbands. The lady who is first to take one complete round around the table and reach behind her husband (the initial position from where she started moving) that lucky couple would win the game.
Note: In case of ten couples one dice would be used. In case of more than ten couples, two dices would be rolled together by each participant while three dices for more twenty couples. You may add up the number and take the steps around.
14. Thermocol Glasses With Balloons
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Thermocol glasses (Minimum- 20-25 glasses)
- Balloons
How to play- In order to play this one minute kitty party game the host may arrange the thermocol glasses on a table in a desired pattern. Then a balloon would be provided to each participant. The participant would take turns to play this game. On their turn the participant would blow up the balloon and then instead of putting a knot at the end, the participant would use the air filled in the balloon to make the thermocol glasses fall on the table. The participant would keep repeating the process till one minute. Similarly, each participant would play the game on their turn by blowing up the balloon and using its air to make the glasses fall. The one who is able to make the maximum number of glasses fall in the given time duration would win the game.
15. Write The Names Of T.V Serials As Many As You Can
No. of participants- As many as you want
Things required-
- Blank A-4 sized sheets
- Pens for each participant
How to play- Are you also a fan and a follower of daily soaps? This fun one minute kitty party paper game is surely for all you T.V serial lovers. In order to play this one minute kitty party game each participant would be provided with a blank A-4 sheet and a pen. Then the host would ask them to write the names of as many T.V serials as they can think of in one minute’s time. The one who writes the maximum number of correct answers in the given time period would win the game.